In accordance with the directions established by the Community of Madrid, our Teaching System of Stimulation aims to encourage our pupils, from a very early age, in different areas of development; in a balanced, complete way and with an Education in Values as the basis for both individual and social development.
From the pedagogic aspect of Respect for the Child, for their moment and their maturity, and bearing in mind the Free Movement Philosophy in their physical and psychological development, our infant school offers a Sensorial Experiential Methodology and the elaboration of Group Activities. Through these the children can get to know and improve all their skills and abilities.
At Sus Pequeños Pasos the teacher's fundamental role is to enrich the children's process of self-discovery without anticipating their initiatives. Also to observe in order to discover ideas, emotions and feelings which will enrich each proposal that we make. All this favours their physical , social and emotional development (both in verbal and non verbal communication). From the very beginning this favors a personalized adaptation to this new medium which is the school. It creates bonds of affection and security, as the children begin to co- exist with each other and discover the world around them.
At the same time we encourage such values as their own sense of security, their personal autonomy, creativity, empathy and respect for all their surroundings; we maintain a close co-ordination with the family, so important and indispensable for the global focus which we give them during the teaching / learning process.